Learn about kratom strains


Are you new to kratom? If the answer is a yes, this article is for you. With various kratom strains sold in the market, selecting the right strain can be challenging. Like cannabis, kratom also has different strains and unique uses, including pain management, stress management, and relieving depression. Some kratom strains are very potent in opioid withdrawal, while some strains contain sedative effects. Hence, you need to understand their difference and the uses. Here, we will dive into some common kratom strains to help you pick the right one and achieve the desired results.

What is kratom?

Kratom trees are commonly noticed in Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and Thailand. The kratom tree leaves are denoted for medicinal benefits and have been used to treat several conditions. Even today, kratom is used for self-medication and recreational purposes.

The color variations in kratom veins

The kratom tree leaves contain different colors, which also defines the color of kratom powders. The colors of these veins tend to change as the plant matures. During the immature stage, the veins in the leaves appear to be more like red. When the plant is in its growing stage, the leaf veins seem to be whiter. Finally, when the tree reaches its maturity, the veins appear to be greener.

Kratom color codes

Red – Red vein kratom delivers a mellow effect while helping users to unwind and sleep well. Ideal for beginners, it is perfect for helping with drug addictions, insomnia, and recurring pain.

White – If described in one word, white kratom is all about “Focus.” The white strain of white vein kratom is used to boost energy, sharpen focus and improve productivity. Its nootropic quality is also helpful for treating cognitive impairments and increasing attentiveness.

Green – Both green and white kratom strains give similar effects. While reported to produce physical comfort and mental clarity, some may also describe it as an energy booster and a pain reliever. Green strain is excellent when it comes to elevating your mood.

Standard kratom strains by their country of origin


If you are to buy kratom for the first time, perhaps this is where to start. Many kratom users find this strain as an affordable option, and one could easily find it in the market. It works well as a pain reliever while providing stimulant effects and reducing appetite. Hence, it would be an exceptional choice for individuals trying to shed some pounds off.


As the name says, Indo kratom strains are sourced from the kratom plants grown in Indonesia. Indo kratom strains help with opiate withdrawal symptoms, relaxation, anxiety, whereas high doses lead to couch locks. White vein Indo, Red vein Indo, and Green Vein Indo are the leading Indo Kratom strains among consumers.


Native to Thailand, this strain is renowned for its high potency. Thai kratom strains contain a high proportion of Alkaloids, particularly Mitragynine. The Thai strain is used to boost energy and concentration, fix mood swings, help with burnouts, and alleviate depression. While white and green vein Thai strains are associated with mind relaxation effects, red vein Thai strain mostly works as a painkiller.

As there are hundreds of kratom strains found in the market, you need to be vigilant when picking them or consult your physician for further assistance.

Author’s Bio: Elena Simons is a student pursuing her degree in the field of biology. At present, she is researching the medicinal benefits of marijuana and sharing her ideas on https://www.apotheca.org/.

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