3 Creative Ways to Make Custom Pre roll Packaging


Pre-rolls are considered to be in huge demand especially in today’s fast growing cannabis industry. Hence, to address emerging demand and industry needs, pre-rolls are manufactured and launched in huge numbers. Such products do need some kind of packaging to increase its overall worth.  It is possible to personalize and customize pre-roll packaging, thus making it a phenomenal choice in the industry. Also can be met customer’s increasing expectations.

Package designing

The fact is pre roll packaging and design is stated to be a challenging task if certain details are ignored. You need to balance yourself finely between functional aspects and aesthetics. In case you tend to focus only on a single aspect, thus overlooking the others, then perhaps, it is a wrong strategy that you should avoid.

Creative ways to create custom pre-roll packaging

  • Quality materials: Pre-roll quality that you have strived quite hard needs to be the same at all times. It is achievable only by deriving quality packaging solution. It should be something reliable and tough while securing the product kept in it. In case you plan to use cardboard to manufacture pre-roll boxes, it will be a good decision, but only partially. Cardboard sheets tend to vary concerning quality aspect since not all are created from superior quality wood pulp. Hence, there will be required serious quality consideration to select the best packaging material.
  • Bold structure and Style: When designing pre-roll boxes and joint containers, there should be no space for committing mistakes. Packaging design cannot be ignored that is dimension, width, formation process and length. Based on the pre-roll numbers to package, the boxes need to be custom-fit designed. When style is concerned, boxes having transparent windows can be a perfect choice. This unique concept can help pique potential clients’ interest. You may print inside and insert incentives in gift-form making it useful. You can even design the packaging with boxes having sleeves and trays.
  • Keep it informative: You do need to use quality materials for packaging purpose. Also will be equally important providing product details to prospective customers. Pre-rolls are mostly used to derive recreation. But still buyer would like to have useful details. Hence, print pleasant visuals or texts stating THC potentiality used in pre-rolls. Also incorporate other vital information like cannabis net weight, packaging date for retail sale, etc.

Pre-roll packaging demands are increasing by the day. You can come up with amazing ideas and implement them practically.

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